Estate planning resources

A curated collection of up-to-date guides and articles for estate lawyers and advisors.

Estate planning best practices

Blog posteState Planner joins the Law Society of Ontario’s Access to Innovation program

eState Planner joins the Law Society of Ontario’s Access to Innovation program

eState Planner joins the Law Society of Ontario’s Access to Innovation program as the first approved software dedicated to professionals.

Jordan Atin
December 7, 2023
Blog post5 Big Problems with Asset Gifts

5 Big Problems with Asset Gifts

Many clients have seemingly simple instructions for their wills. Gifting specific assets to certain beneficiaries are logical and straightforward for many testators. Such simple instructions give rise to many dramatic consequences that should raise red flags for the advisor. Read about the 5 big problems here.

Jordan Atin
August 12, 2020
Blog postNew Feature: Global Document Preferences

New Feature: Global Document Preferences

To celebrate Hull e-State Planner's journey and our first anniversary, we’re excited to announce that we’ve added a number of much anticipated new features to help make your life easier.

Jordan Atin
July 2, 2020
Blog postWords Are Not Enough

Words Are Not Enough

Lawyers communicate in words all day long as a core part of our job. We explain, advise and document using words alone. We assume our clients understand what we’re trying to convey. However, maybe we can do better than words.

Jordan Atin
June 2, 2020
Blog postCounterpart Execution of Wills and Powers of Attorney

Counterpart Execution of Wills and Powers of Attorney

By using video conferencing and counterparts, wills and powers of attorney can be fully executed remotely, giving immediate validity to the documents. Previously, all three signatures (the testator/grantor and two witnesses) had to be on the same document. That required the couriering of the document around for up to three separate signing ceremonies. 

Jordan Atin
April 23, 2020
Blog postSigning a Testator’s Will for them - Using an Amanuensis 

Signing a Testator’s Will for them - Using an Amanuensis 

Does a testator have to sign his or her own Will to be valid? A little used provision of the Succession Law Reform Act permits a Will to be signed by some other person (an “amanuensis”) in testator’s presence and by the testator’s direction. 

Jordan Atin
April 12, 2020
Blog postAffidavits of Execution for Video Witnesses

Affidavits of Execution for Video Witnesses

As of April 7, Wills can be witnessed by video conference. We have created a new sample form of Affidavit of Execution for use when witnessing by video.

Jordan Atin
April 8, 2020
Blog postWitnessing Wills and POAs by Video - Now Permitted!

Witnessing Wills and POAs by Video - Now Permitted!

Wills can be witnessed by video conference in Ontario.

Jordan Atin
April 7, 2020
Blog postRemote Will Planning Meetings during COVID-19

Remote Will Planning Meetings during COVID-19

How to keep your practice running from home during times of social distancing.

Jordan Atin
March 24, 2020
Blog postUsing a Holograph Will to Validate an Unsigned Will? Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Using a Holograph Will to Validate an Unsigned Will? Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Using a holographic Will to validate an unsigned will. Here's how that may work.

Jordan Atin
March 22, 2020
Blog postExecution of Wills during COVID-19

Execution of Wills during COVID-19

Like many of you, we are struggling to figure out ways to get our clients’ Wills executed during this period of social distancing.

Ian Hull
March 18, 2020
Blog postYour Online Accounts After Death

Your Online Accounts After Death

Yesterday, I blogged about estate planning for crypto-currency, a type of digital asset. Today, I provide a snapshot of what happens to some of your other digital assets when you die.

Ian Hull
March 17, 2020
Blog postEstate Planning Considerations for Cryptocurrency

Estate Planning Considerations for Cryptocurrency

With the anticipated increased uptake of cryptocurrency, we can expect that more and more people will hold these types of digital assets on their death.

Ian Hull
March 16, 2020
Blog postAre Ontario’s Long-Term Care Facilities Ready for COVID-19?

Are Ontario’s Long-Term Care Facilities Ready for COVID-19?

There’s a really good chance that if you live anywhere in the world that is not completely disconnected from the rest of society, you would have heard about COVID-19, and the fact that it has officially reached every single continent (except for Antarctica).

Ian Hull
March 10, 2020

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